Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian 6
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian 7
Mr. Lobos: Another Pillow Star
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian covered by sponge
Mr. Lobos: Another Big Ling
Mr. Lobos: Bright Corynactis
Mr. Lobos: Blue
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian 1
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian 2
Mr. Lobos: Gunnell
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian 3
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian 4
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian 5
Mr. Lobos: Brittle Stars
Mr. Lobos: Big Ling
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian 8
Mr. Lobos: Sun Star
Mr. Lobos: Tastes Like Chicken
Mr. Lobos: Monkeys on a Football
Mr. Lobos: No Current
Mr. Lobos: Neat Colors
Mr. Lobos: Masking Crab
Mr. Lobos: Theres a Fish in My Elephant Ear
Mr. Lobos: Pillow Star
Mr. Lobos: Theres another fish in the other Elephant Ear
Mr. Lobos: Just Hanging Out
Mr. Lobos: Pretty Green
Mr. Lobos: Lots of Life
Mr. Lobos: Red Sun Star
Mr. Lobos: Olive