Mr. Lobos: And It Started to Rain
Mr. Lobos: Getting Ready to Drop
Mr. Lobos: Dropping Into Greenland
Mr. Lobos: Ian and Eric
Mr. Lobos: Blue Rockfish School
Mr. Lobos: Ian and Eric through the gap
Mr. Lobos: From the Bottom of Gap
Mr. Lobos: Cruising
Mr. Lobos: Brittle Stars in Dens
Mr. Lobos: Eric and Toy
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian covered in Nudies
Mr. Lobos: Back past the sisters
Mr. Lobos: Back Past the Sisters 2
Mr. Lobos: Colorful
Mr. Lobos: Back Up The Rubble Slope
Mr. Lobos: Cannery Fingers
Mr. Lobos: Blue Rockfish in Shallows
Mr. Lobos: Ian in Shallows
Mr. Lobos: Eric
Mr. Lobos: Eric returning
Mr. Lobos: Grass Rockfish Mating Ritual perhaps
Mr. Lobos: Beautiful Day at Lobos
Mr. Lobos: Caught a Raindrop
Mr. Lobos: Gold Sun Star
Mr. Lobos: Greenling
Mr. Lobos: Crinoid on Gorgonian 1
Mr. Lobos: Crinoid on Gorgonian 2
Mr. Lobos: Canary with Brittle Stars
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian and Diver
Mr. Lobos: Canary Rockfish