Mr. Lobos: Lions Mane Jelly
Mr. Lobos: Having Way Too Much Fun
Mr. Lobos: Tight Formation
Mr. Lobos: Wait for Me
Mr. Lobos: Long Cod
Mr. Lobos: Looks Like the Right Rock
Mr. Lobos: No Really Wait For Me
Mr. Lobos: Weeeeeeeee
Mr. Lobos: Yummy
Mr. Lobos: Off They Go
Mr. Lobos: Still There
Mr. Lobos: Just Flying Through
Mr. Lobos: Cruising Out Past Sisters
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian and Lots of Life
Mr. Lobos: Sister on Left
Mr. Lobos: Tunicate and Sponges and More
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian With Neon Color
Mr. Lobos: Sister on the Way Back
Mr. Lobos: Not Very Colorful without Spotlight
Mr. Lobos: Rosy
Mr. Lobos: Rosy Departure
Mr. Lobos: Rosy 2
Mr. Lobos: Gorgonian and Friend
Mr. Lobos: Coming in past Step Sister in Background
Mr. Lobos: Olives without Flash
Mr. Lobos: Olives with Flash
Mr. Lobos: Gas Switch
Mr. Lobos: Long Cod 2
Mr. Lobos: Fifty Percent Tastes Great