frroK: New scape. Iwagumi.
frroK: Minor adjustment
frroK: This is it.
frroK: Planted.
frroK: 5 days in...
frroK: Close up
frroK: Fuzzy closer close-up.
frroK: Dry start filling in... Less melt.
frroK: Finally flooded.
frroK: S.repens trim. Cyano has taken over HC ! :(
frroK: Complete mess.. Tried erythromycin , h2o2... Still major BGA.
frroK: Re-Do part 2.
frroK: IMG_6977
frroK: 8/6. Less HC but mostly healthy. Things are settling down. Algae pretty much gone. Haigrass and s. sublata is sending runners.
frroK: 8/11 shot with canon. things are looking ^
frroK: 8/18. Not much different. A little frustrating. Added a stem of s.repens. It will probably melt.
frroK: HC should not be this difficult to grow. Atleast the s.repens is sort of growing back. And the chain sword I added has some new growth. :/
frroK: New growth but having algae issues again. I think it may be time to give up on this one.
frroK: This is my tank after two weeks if neglect. Went away for work and thinks deteriorated. See next photo for cleanup
frroK: All cleaned up after algae blooms. Added some more dhg Belem
frroK: Atomic diffuser back in and better than ever. Bleach does wonders!
frroK: 8/21
frroK: 11/7
frroK: 11/17
frroK: 11/21
frroK: 12/3
frroK: 12/19
frroK: Final Shot lo-res