Avril_C: Pastor George ... again
Avril_C: observation point
Avril_C: Church of All Nations
Avril_C: the Church of All Nations
Avril_C: Gethsemane
Avril_C: Gethsemane
Avril_C: Church of All Nations
Avril_C: Church of All Nations
Avril_C: gardens at the Church of All Nations
Avril_C: Church of All Nations
Avril_C: Church of All Nations
Avril_C: Church of All Nations
Avril_C: Gethsemane
Avril_C: Church of All Nations
Avril_C: Church of All Nations
Avril_C: Church of all Nations, Gethsemane
Avril_C: stations of the cross - Via Dolorosa
Avril_C: Church of the Flagellation
Avril_C: Church of the Flagellation
Avril_C: on the Via Dolorosa
Avril_C: the souk
Avril_C: Holy Sepulchre
Avril_C: Holy Sepulchre