Washigal57: Jingle Bell Pointsettias
Washigal57: December Full Moon
Washigal57: Picture Postcard by Washigal
Washigal57: All the leaves are gone...........and Winter's chill is in the air..............
Washigal57: Christmas Tree at the Silverdale Mall, Silverdale, WA.
Washigal57: Olympic Mts. View, WA State
Washigal57: Happy Howlidays!
Washigal57: Me & Seth
Washigal57: Seth Joseph
Washigal57: Seth and I (Grandma)
Washigal57: Evergreen Christmas in the Northwest
Washigal57: "It came upon the midnight clear...."
Washigal57: "Laziness has many disguises. Soon "winter doldrums" will become "spring fever.""- Bern Williams
Washigal57: December Sunset
Washigal57: "The color of springtime is in the flowers, the color of winter is in the imagination." ~Ward Elliot Hour
Washigal57: Winter Blues
Washigal57: "I'll have a blue Christmas without you...."
Washigal57: Pointsettia
Washigal57: Me and my new clock from my hubby Jim.
Washigal57: Winter Droplets on Pine
Washigal57: Evergreens in Winter
Washigal57: Olympic Mts., Washington State
Washigal57: Our merry little Christmas tree.
Washigal57: Snow Covered Trees
Washigal57: Douglas Firs, Port Orchard, WA.
Washigal57: Winter Colors
Washigal57: Homer enjoying the Outdoors
Washigal57: "On a clear day, you can see forever...."
Washigal57: "You can't see the forest for the trees...."
Washigal57: The Olympic Mountains, WA State