scurvyjonathan: Lake Ivanhoe with Maggie
scurvyjonathan: My dawg is so high right now
scurvyjonathan: Morning walk
scurvyjonathan: Pride parade all day
scurvyjonathan: Paint me like one if your French girls
scurvyjonathan: Reach out and touch me shud da shud da shud #dogsrulecatsdrool, #wakeupcall
scurvyjonathan: Rain? No fucks given
scurvyjonathan: Let me just get all my ducks in a row
scurvyjonathan: Illinois
scurvyjonathan: maggie sarah walk 039
scurvyjonathan: maggie sarah walk 038
scurvyjonathan: maggie sarah walk 037
scurvyjonathan: maggie sarah walk 035
scurvyjonathan: maggie sarah walk 034
scurvyjonathan: DSCN0245
scurvyjonathan: DSCN0237
scurvyjonathan: DSCN0239
scurvyjonathan: 1306945974925.jpg
scurvyjonathan: 1304783768793