Nikond750LS: Nashi perfection
Nikond750LS: Oh Tannenbaum...
Nikond750LS: Dal libro del profeta Isaia 61,1-2.10-11 Lo spirito del Signore Dio è su di me, perché mi ha consacrato con l'unzione; mi ha mandato a portare il lieto annuncio ai miseri, a fasciare le piaghe dei cuori spezzati, a proclamare la libertà degli schiavi e a
Nikond750LS: Merry Christmas
Nikond750LS: Christmas in St. Peter's, Rome
Nikond750LS: Italian honey Christmas sweets
Nikond750LS: A must in Rome
Nikond750LS: Shadows drawings
Nikond750LS: Cyclamens dance
Nikond750LS: Un sourire, mais à tout prendre, qu’est-ce ? Un point rose qu’on met sur l’i du verbe confier...
Nikond750LS: Find him...
Nikond750LS: Sunset among the maritime pines
Nikond750LS: Summer drops
Nikond750LS: The prayer
Nikond750LS: Thank you, rain
Nikond750LS: Still life from the market
Nikond750LS: In groups of three
Nikond750LS: The clouds are telling something...
Nikond750LS: No balconies
Nikond750LS: Country church
Nikond750LS: Exibition