The Nygren's: Sheila...this is before, not after...
The Nygren's: Erin...looking dazed before using the restroom.
The Nygren's: Emma a.k.a. Mountain Goat
The Nygren's: Mountains Wildflowers
The Nygren's: Can You Spot The Bird?
The Nygren's: Climbing Party
The Nygren's: Mountain Range
The Nygren's: You Got Nothin' On Me
The Nygren's: Superhero Brett
The Nygren's: Climbing party on way up Lincoln
The Nygren's: 1 down...3 to go...
The Nygren's: Slogging up Mt. Cameron
The Nygren's: Colorado Beauty
The Nygren's: Landed Safely on Mars
The Nygren's: Lincoln Conquered
The Nygren's: USGS Geological Marker
The Nygren's: Jumping Summit Pose
The Nygren's: Erin & Emma
The Nygren's: I conquered this...
The Nygren's: Mt. Bross Summit
The Nygren's: Looking back at 'MY' trail..
The Nygren's: Yea, I climbed that...Mt. Democrat in the background
The Nygren's: Blowin' in the Wind
The Nygren's: Erin & Emma
The Nygren's: Some threshold...
The Nygren's: The 14er Crew
The Nygren's: Jumping on Summit of Mt. Bross
The Nygren's: Do you think I'm sexy?
The Nygren's: Quatro Chicas on Mt. Bross
The Nygren's: Mt. Bross 'climb'