Jerry Rodgers: DEDICATED...... ! "landscape format" Japanese photographers in Yosemite snowstorm
Jerry Rodgers: Bridalveil Falls and Yosemite Valley Mist
Jerry Rodgers: Cathedral Rocks
Jerry Rodgers: HorseTail Falls "when the magic happens" (black & white)......
Jerry Rodgers: Upper Pines Campground....camping
Jerry Rodgers: 2011 late winter storm,valley under heavy snow..
Jerry Rodgers: Upper Yosemite Falls, detail
Jerry Rodgers: half dome from cook's meadow..... 10's of dozens of snappy-photog's clamber for similar photos. Geared out "pre-pros" and "pro-sumer glass eyes", jockey for position in the meadow.... Following each others footsteps in the the snow. It is a digital camera
Jerry Rodgers: moon along ridge, rising towards Glacier Point
Jerry Rodgers: just after snowstorm from El Capitan Meadow
Jerry Rodgers: Tree in storm
Jerry Rodgers: Pohono Bridge
Jerry Rodgers: Lovers ! :-)..........."wet ravens preen in snow"
Jerry Rodgers: Merced River in early morn
Jerry Rodgers: Valley in Mist
Jerry Rodgers: Pine Nursery
Jerry Rodgers: inside Tunnel at Tunnel View
Jerry Rodgers: Lower Yosemite Falls..............close
Jerry Rodgers: Lower Yosemite Falls, detail
Jerry Rodgers: snow along creek
Jerry Rodgers: Three Brothers reflected in the Merced River from Cathedral Beach
Jerry Rodgers: Bridalveil Falls winter detail
Jerry Rodgers: lone tree