Jerry Rodgers: El Capitan with Lodgepole Pines & Bur Oaks, Yosemite NP
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2334_2
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2308
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2291_2
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2278
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2265
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_9653
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_9688
Jerry Rodgers: Giant Sequoias/ Bachelor & 3 Graces, Mariposa Grove/ Yosemite NP-
Jerry Rodgers: sequoia sempervirens/ aka Coast Redwood or Giant Sequoia, Mariposa Grove, Yosemite NP
Jerry Rodgers: DSC_0756
Jerry Rodgers: DSC_0750
Jerry Rodgers: Yosemite Valley after thunderstorm
Jerry Rodgers: DSC_0720
Jerry Rodgers: DSC_0702
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2506
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2485
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2427_3
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2363_2
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_0111
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_0108
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_0107
Jerry Rodgers: along the Merced River, CA
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_0061
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2232_2
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_9657
Jerry Rodgers: Lodgepole Pines along Merced River, Yosemite Valley
Jerry Rodgers: Yosemite Maples near Lone Pine Campground
Jerry Rodgers: autumn along the Merced River/ Yosemite Valley
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_9528