Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2261_2
Jerry Rodgers: DSC_0848_2
Jerry Rodgers: DSC_0756_2
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2385_2
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2520_2
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2376_2
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2405_2
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2355
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2359
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2342_2
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2333_2
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_2265_3
Jerry Rodgers: DSC_0727_2
Jerry Rodgers: LeConte House
Jerry Rodgers: Merced River
Jerry Rodgers: Alders along stream
Jerry Rodgers: IMG_5048
Jerry Rodgers: one of the many faces of "The View"
Jerry Rodgers: "Bonsai Oak" on rock face/ Yosemite NP
Jerry Rodgers: winter blankets forest floor
Jerry Rodgers: stream detail
Jerry Rodgers: fallen White Pine flanked by Cathedral Spires taken from Sentinel Beach/ Yosemite NP
Jerry Rodgers: Cathedral Rocks
Jerry Rodgers: Merced River/FALL/Valley View
Jerry Rodgers: Lower Falls / WINTER
Jerry Rodgers: WINTER at Cathedral Beach