Michael S in Seattle: Palatine arches
Michael S in Seattle: Nuns and arch
Michael S in Seattle: Santa Cecilia in Trastevere
Michael S in Seattle: Tempietto nel Gianicol
Michael S in Seattle: Frankfurt airport connecting hallway
Michael S in Seattle: Bar Toto near Jewish Ghetto
Michael S in Seattle: Window near Jewish Ghetto
Michael S in Seattle: Forum doorway
Michael S in Seattle: On the edge of the forum
Michael S in Seattle: Broken bridge over Tiber - Ponte Rotto
Michael S in Seattle: Near Jewish ghetto
Michael S in Seattle: Santa Maria in Trastevere facade
Michael S in Seattle: Roman tower - Santa Francesca Romana
Michael S in Seattle: Palatine path
Michael S in Seattle: Janiculum building
Michael S in Seattle: Floor of Curia in the Roman Forum
Michael S in Seattle: Palatine area
Michael S in Seattle: St. Peter's from Janiculum