brianelli1: Mt Rainer? flying to Vancouver, B.C.
brianelli1: arriving at Smithers Airport
brianelli1: Can you hear it??
brianelli1: standing on the scale.
brianelli1: our gear and group
brianelli1: Cessna Caravan
brianelli1: on the flight to Tuaton Lake
brianelli1: Gary is ready to start the adventure
brianelli1: unloading the plane at Tuaton Lake
brianelli1: Cessna Caravan leaving Tuaton Lake
brianelli1: Tuaton Lake camp area
brianelli1: Bushy-Tailed Woodrat (Neotoma cinerea)
brianelli1: Common Loon
brianelli1: Nice rainbow at Tuaton Lake
brianelli1: Pete and Rich first day's paddle
brianelli1: beaver lodge
brianelli1: on Tuaton Lake
brianelli1: Gary..this is good!
brianelli1: Immature Arctic Tern
brianelli1: Baird's Sandpiper
brianelli1: Camp 2 a mile before Fountain Rapids portage
brianelli1: the portage begins
brianelli1: Rich looking at the upper part of Fountain Rapids
brianelli1: tough portaging the SOARs
brianelli1: typical camp mess before tents are up
brianelli1: Chapea Rapids Portage trail
brianelli1: Greg and Louisa getting ready to depart the camp at the end of Chapea Rapids
brianelli1: the only moose that we saw
brianelli1: Pink Canyon
brianelli1: anothe day, another camp on the upper Stikine