brianelli1: We met at Nine Mile Canyon
brianelli1: Nine Mile Canyon is known for its numerous petrogyphs
brianelli1: the river guide book
brianelli1: detail of the river
brianelli1: description of the river
brianelli1: geting my packraft ready to launch at the put-in
brianelli1: at the put-in
brianelli1: organizing gear and boats at the Sand Wash put-in site
brianelli1: reviewing the map book for the day's paddling
brianelli1: fun morning
brianelli1: at the put-in
brianelli1: my tent at first camp
brianelli1: which way?
brianelli1: on the river
brianelli1: organizing gear
brianelli1: my packraft looked like this each morning
brianelli1: Rena enjoying the morning
brianelli1: morning at camp
brianelli1: pancake and home made maple syrup breakfast
brianelli1: life is good
brianelli1: yes it is
brianelli1: P9200030
brianelli1: lizards are great climbers
brianelli1: humm?
brianelli1: a hike at lunch time to a petroglyph site
brianelli1: one of the many panels along the river
brianelli1: probably a quail