brianelli1: Whiskered Screech Owl
brianelli1: Whiskered Screech Owl
brianelli1: Whiskered Screech Owl calling
brianelli1: Whiskered Screech Owl
brianelli1: Whiskered Screech Owl
brianelli1: storm at night
brianelli1: Gary birding in Chiricahua Mtns
brianelli1: Chiricahua Fox Squirrel
brianelli1: White-tailed Deer at spring in Chiricahua Mtns
brianelli1: Blue-throated Mountain-gem
brianelli1: Blue-throated Mountain-gem
brianelli1: Blue-throated Mountain-gem
brianelli1: Chiricahua Mtn scenery
brianelli1: Brown-creeper...can you find it?
brianelli1: hummingbirds galore
brianelli1: Rivoli's Hummingbird
brianelli1: Juniper Titmouse
brianelli1: Juniper Titmouse
brianelli1: Rufous and Blue Throated-Mountain_Gem
brianelli1: Black-chinned Hummingbird
brianelli1: Lucifer Hummingbird
brianelli1: Lucifer Hummingbird
brianelli1: Chiricahua Wilderness
brianelli1: leave your car behind
brianelli1: in south fork of Cave Creek
brianelli1: Chiricahua Mtn scenery
brianelli1: Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher
brianelli1: Arizona Woodpecker
brianelli1: Arizona Woodpecker
brianelli1: Portal post office