brianelli1: Rich Henke at Kotzebue airport
brianelli1: Craig Miller arriving Kotzebue
brianelli1: organizing gear before flying in to Utukok
brianelli1: checking out bear barrels
brianelli1: flying over the Noatak River
brianelli1: Rich Henke
brianelli1: flying north through the Brooks Range
brianelli1: 1st camp on Utukok
brianelli1: getting ready to get on to the river
brianelli1: take off after dropping us off. we are now alone!
brianelli1: Rich and Armando at the start of the Utukok
brianelli1: pushing the boats off at the start of the Utukok
brianelli1: viewing a musk ox
brianelli1: almost lost our boats
brianelli1: recovered boat
brianelli1: boat on rocks
brianelli1: Rich and Craig bringing the lost boat back to camp
brianelli1: Craig enjoying the river
brianelli1: side hike up to a view point
brianelli1: Armando viewing early season in the arctic
brianelli1: Utukok camp
brianelli1: camp in willows on windy day
brianelli1: caribou
brianelli1: daily effort unloading boats
brianelli1: camp near bear ridge
brianelli1: sleeping grizzly
brianelli1: Grizzly Bear
brianelli1: Grizzly Bear woke up
brianelli1: Arctic Warbler
brianelli1: Armando in cook tent