brianelli1: Flying toward the Kokolik
brianelli1: Archimedes Ridge
brianelli1: Rich and Armando
brianelli1: Rich and Armando
brianelli1: hauling gear up to camp site
brianelli1: 1st Kokolik camp
brianelli1: King of the World!
brianelli1: Rich having fun
brianelli1: Northern Wheatear
brianelli1: modeling canoe wear for an arctic heat wave
brianelli1: Spotted Sandpiper eggs
brianelli1: mama Spotted Sandpiper
brianelli1: Spotted Sandpiper on nest
brianelli1: paddling on Kokolik
brianelli1: Armando Menocal
brianelli1: American Golden Plover
brianelli1: lupine
brianelli1: Rich Henke
brianelli1: ripple marks in sandstone
brianelli1: Northern Wheatear
brianelli1: American Golden Plover female
brianelli1: Brian Elliott
brianelli1: Harlequin Ducks
brianelli1: loading the boats
brianelli1: Shade from the heat
brianelli1: Wolf Camp
brianelli1: Caribou croosing the Kokolik
brianelli1: Rich topless in the arctic heat wave
brianelli1: Caribou group