Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Winter is already a lost shape, forgotten in the ground. Instead, here is Spring with all the grace of a woman smoothing out her apron.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Dog is God spelled backward.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Non smokers : I hate cigarettes that’s why I never touched one. Smokers : I hate cigarettes that’s why whenever I see one, I lit it up.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “The eye of the intellect sees in all objects what it brought with it the means of seeing."
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Purées frustrate me because they have no crunch.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Life begins where fear ends.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “You need to learn patience, you grasshopper.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “ I make it a rule never to smoke while I’m sleeping.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Every exit you take is just an entrance to a different location. Therefore, exits don't exist; they're all just entrances to another place.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “The cost of oblivious daydreaming was always this moment of return, the realignment with what had been before and now seemed a little worse.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: "When the water reaches the upper level, follow the rats."
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Ignorance is killing poison. When people do not communicate, they are doomed to remain ignorant. If people do not get together and share views and exchange ideas, they remain unconscious and unaware. A world without dialogue is a universe of darkness.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it could be a really ugly swan, but it’s not.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Fire wants to burn Water wants to flow Air wants to rise Earth wants to bind Chaos wants to devour”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Monsters don't always lurk in the shadows. “
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Every man should pull a boat over a mountain once in his life.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “At that age, it’s one of the worse things in the world to wake up and not see your bike where you left it.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “A change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordinary things.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “No race can prosper until it learns there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century he is beginning to realize that, in order to survive, he must protect it.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “I have less desire to change things than to change my perception of them.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Nightmares exist outside of logic, and there's little fun to be had in explanations; they're antithetical to the poetry of fear.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Life is a highway - the enjoyment you get depends on the lane you choose.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: Two white chairs
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Those who teach the most about humanity, aren’t always human.”
Aljaž Anžič Tuna: “Too bored to do nothing. Too lazy to do anything.”