sjrankin: Bird's-Eye-View of New York at Sunset
sjrankin: Capitol of the United States 03593u edited
sjrankin: Charity
sjrankin: Stone and Murray's Circus
sjrankin: The Aquarium
sjrankin: St. Paul's Cathedral
sjrankin: Still Life
sjrankin: Yosemite Valley
sjrankin: Komische karte des Kriegsschauplatzes
sjrankin: Performing Elephant
sjrankin: Ducks on a Pond
sjrankin: Kendall's Amboline for the Hair
sjrankin: A Good Cheer
sjrankin: Birth of Our Nation's Flag
sjrankin: Compo house 03545u edited
sjrankin: Excelsior Iron Works
sjrankin: New Terminal Depot in Philadelphia
sjrankin: Youthful Entertainment
sjrankin: Winter in the country 01628u edited
sjrankin: Frederick Jones and Co., Shoe Factory
sjrankin: Altitude Comparada
sjrankin: The Book Binder's Shop
sjrankin: Buffalo Scale Company
sjrankin: Tafel in Welcher
sjrankin: The New Masonic Hall, Philadelphia