maggiehc: 10 seconds after midnight
maggiehc: Michigan Hoarfrost
maggiehc: Soup and me
maggiehc: Bathwater
maggiehc: Kitchen table
maggiehc: Snowball
maggiehc: Abbie and her heart shaped nose spot
maggiehc: Alex hamming it up
maggiehc: Espresso Pudding Cupcake with Caramel Milk Foam
maggiehc: Bark
maggiehc: The cherry on top
maggiehc: The first pansy
maggiehc: Maybe the horse will sing
maggiehc: Devil Flowers
maggiehc: This year's eggs
maggiehc: That new house smell
maggiehc: Alex underwater
maggiehc: Ramps
maggiehc: Picking asparagus on Dog Hill
maggiehc: Alex at the Empire Asparagus Festival
maggiehc: The baby porcupine