maggiehc: Chateau Chantal
maggiehc: Great Lakes Tea and Spice
maggiehc: Learn Great Foods Agro-tours
maggiehc: Learn Great Foods Agro-tours Display
maggiehc: Fenn Valley Winery
maggiehc: Chateau Chantal's Naughty Red Dry
maggiehc: Snacks
maggiehc: The Whole Foods Menu
maggiehc: A cute cast bronze cupcake
maggiehc: Goodies I bought
maggiehc: Meadowbrook Wine and Food Festival
maggiehc: Chateau Chantal's Celebrate
maggiehc: Chateau Chantel's Wine List
maggiehc: Chateau Chantal
maggiehc: Blown Glass
maggiehc: Glassblowing
maggiehc: Black Star Farms Cherry Wine and Artisan Red
maggiehc: Round Barn's Apple Demi-Sec
maggiehc: Round Barn Winery
maggiehc: Black Star Farms Winery
maggiehc: Pelee Island Winery Gewurtztraminer
maggiehc: Warner Vineyards
maggiehc: St. Julian's Wine Selection
maggiehc: Warner Vineyard's Wine List
maggiehc: Spotted Dog's Coco Noir
maggiehc: Spotted Dog Winery
maggiehc: St. Julian
maggiehc: Fenn Valley Wine List
maggiehc: 2008 Meadowbrook Wine and Food Festival
maggiehc: The first wine of the day