npd85: November 5th
npd85: Jacob's Ladder
npd85: Autumn Leaves
npd85: November Rain 1
npd85: November Rain 2
npd85: Squiffy
npd85: That's sooooooooo good.
npd85: November Rain 3
npd85: Home Time
npd85: Home Time 2
npd85: Semi Retired
npd85: Slippery Road
npd85: Going to roost
npd85: Icey Road
npd85: Looking Across Edgehill Wood in the Frost
npd85: Hoar Frost on Edgehill
npd85: Hoar Frost on Edgehill
npd85: Footsteps in the Snow (not cropped)
npd85: Footsteps in the Snow (cropped)
npd85: Muntjack Deer with Fawn in the Snow
npd85: Muntjack Deer with Fawn in the Snow
npd85: Muntjack Deer Fawn in the Snow
npd85: Muntjack Deer Fawn in the Snow
npd85: Great Spotted Woodpecker
npd85: Lamb in tyre
npd85: Sheep
npd85: Spider in the grass
npd85: Dog Rose in Thunderstorm
npd85: Honey Bee
npd85: Well Camouflaged Grasshopper