Mr Pleebus: There's also this one...
Mr Pleebus: Can't recommend this highly enough. A fine, fine novel.
Mr Pleebus: Kolor Klimax anthology
Mr Pleebus: Awesomeness by Joanna Hellgren in @fantagraphics' Kolor Klimax
Mr Pleebus: Rather fabulous collection of Scandanavian comics from @fantagraphics
Mr Pleebus: Wall of boxers
Mr Pleebus: That's right.
Mr Pleebus: My martini - dirty, with olives
Mr Pleebus: Yes mate. Proper vacuum cleaner, none of that flimsy bollocks.
Mr Pleebus: Read this book
Mr Pleebus: Charlie's martini (with a twist)
Mr Pleebus: OH MY GLOB - Space Princess!
Mr Pleebus: Reading matter for train journey. Thanks, Big Planet Comics!
Mr Pleebus: Comics
Mr Pleebus: Cadbury's Creme Egg
Mr Pleebus: Big Planet Comics, Saturday June 9
Mr Pleebus: Girl 2
Mr Pleebus: Girl 1
Mr Pleebus: Central line 5.49pm 17/5/12
Mr Pleebus: Squiggles
Mr Pleebus: Jubilee line 10.59pm 10/3/12
Mr Pleebus: Jubilee line 12.44pm 9/5/12
Mr Pleebus: Jubilee line 10.05pm 7/5/12
Mr Pleebus: Jubilee line 11.40am 6/5/12
Mr Pleebus: South West trains Richmond-Waterloo 12.55pm 20/5/12
Mr Pleebus: F train 11.09am 24/4/2012
Mr Pleebus: London Overground 3.48pm 10/5/12
Mr Pleebus: F train 12.09pm 22/4/2012
Mr Pleebus: G train 17/4/2012
Mr Pleebus: F train 9.26am 19/4/2012