gridlore: Da Rules
gridlore: Central Park
gridlore: Lenore and Kirsten
gridlore: Ducks!
gridlore: Cocktail Monkeys
gridlore: The best dancer ever!
gridlore: My training served me well
gridlore: Loaded for the Burn
gridlore: It rises!
gridlore: Fire and food
gridlore: Walking stick
gridlore: A box!
gridlore: Awesome shoes
gridlore: A new record!
gridlore: Yeah that kind of week
gridlore: New earrings
gridlore: Kiri's new bear!
gridlore: The new display
gridlore: Amazing seats
gridlore: A nice, lazy Sunday.
gridlore: Sharpening knives.
gridlore: My signature dish!
gridlore: Olbliatory Arrongant Chef look
gridlore: My uniform still fits!
gridlore: Cross
gridlore: Exposure metering 3
gridlore: Exposure metering 2
gridlore: Church doors
gridlore: Church front 3
gridlore: Church front 2