gridlore: Snow is pretty.
gridlore: Let's have a picnic!
gridlore: Patience on a rock
gridlore: CHP kills the fun
gridlore: Pull over, I need to climb that.
gridlore: Burning Doug
gridlore: A Black Rock!
gridlore: The Gates of Mordor
gridlore: The Black Rock Playa
gridlore: They still exist!
gridlore: Packed
gridlore: Here we are
gridlore: Canterbury glass
gridlore: What a view!
gridlore: Pebble is helping
gridlore: Waiting in line
gridlore: Are we there yet?
gridlore: Box Office
gridlore: Our home for the week
gridlore: Words to live by.
gridlore: The tent
gridlore: The Mudroom
gridlore: Four-star accomodations
gridlore: After the storm
gridlore: Mud and muck
gridlore: Playa Platforms
gridlore: Our lake
gridlore: M*A*S*H 4207
gridlore: The crowd at Rosie's
gridlore: Captain, oh my Captain!