The Wanderpath:
Anywhere, They Go
The Wanderpath:
Jim Seem and Brooke_MG_0387
The Wanderpath:
Overture 1
The Wanderpath:
Overture 2
The Wanderpath:
Overture 3
The Wanderpath:
Overture 4, Shadow Reflections
The Wanderpath:
Overture 4, Shadow Reflections
The Wanderpath:
Overture 5
The Wanderpath:
Overture 6
The Wanderpath:
Overture 7
The Wanderpath:
Overture 8
The Wanderpath:
Overture 9, Do Not Enter
The Wanderpath:
Overture 10
The Wanderpath:
Overture 11, Moving Beyond
The Wanderpath:
The Wanderpath:
I Am
The Wanderpath:
Man Walking 1
The Wanderpath:
Man Walking 2
The Wanderpath:
Man Walking 3
The Wanderpath:
We Can Walk Here Now
The Wanderpath:
Camel and a Cute Gal
The Wanderpath:
Standing in a Lake of an Unknown Future Felt
The Wanderpath:
Documenting Movements
The Wanderpath:
Using What is Broken
The Wanderpath:
And He Walks Into the Sun