Nils Hempel | Photography: Feldsperling / Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus)
Nils Hempel | Photography: two little beauties
Nils Hempel | Photography: waiting for the next meal
Nils Hempel | Photography: b-a-l-a-n-c-i-n-g
Nils Hempel | Photography: three in a row . . .
Nils Hempel | Photography: have you seen a worm anywhere?
Nils Hempel | Photography: little swimming swan
Nils Hempel | Photography: from behind vol.2
Nils Hempel | Photography: Parus major (Kohlmeise / great titmouse)
Nils Hempel | Photography: made by nature [macro]
Nils Hempel | Photography: Make love not war
Nils Hempel | Photography: ~ Seagull Portrait ~
Nils Hempel | Photography: Rauchschwalbe (Hirundo rustica)
Nils Hempel | Photography: waiting for food [Hirundo rustica]
Nils Hempel | Photography: On The Beach (Mergus serrator)
Nils Hempel | Photography: Stop - No Entry!
Nils Hempel | Photography: Silbermöve (Larus argentatus)
Nils Hempel | Photography: Silbermöve (Larus argentatus) II
Nils Hempel | Photography: Lachmöwe (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
Nils Hempel | Photography: Mönchsgrasmücke | Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla)
Nils Hempel | Photography: Ꭼꮖɴ Ꭲꭺꮐ Ꭺꮇ Ꮇꭼꭼꭱ