Nils Hempel | Photography:
magic curves and stripes
Nils Hempel | Photography:
maskenball | masquerade ball
Nils Hempel | Photography:
three in a row . . .
Nils Hempel | Photography:
have you seen a worm anywhere?
Nils Hempel | Photography:
hi girls, let´s have a party...
Nils Hempel | Photography:
green cross spider
Nils Hempel | Photography:
little swimming swan
Nils Hempel | Photography:
take off
Nils Hempel | Photography:
central fuel station
Nils Hempel | Photography:
Nils Hempel | Photography:
Nils Hempel | Photography:
fuel station
Nils Hempel | Photography:
from behind
Nils Hempel | Photography:
fuel station
Nils Hempel | Photography:
from behind vol.2
Nils Hempel | Photography:
look into my eyes...
Nils Hempel | Photography:
"whale watching"
Nils Hempel | Photography:
waiting for the next meal
Nils Hempel | Photography:
Milk Machine
Nils Hempel | Photography:
looking for breakfast
Nils Hempel | Photography:
Nils Hempel | Photography:
snapshot "squirrels"
Nils Hempel | Photography:
summer time | fuel station
Nils Hempel | Photography:
this is love
Nils Hempel | Photography:
two little beauties
Nils Hempel | Photography:
Parus major (Kohlmeise / great titmouse)
Nils Hempel | Photography:
three guys on the green
Nils Hempel | Photography:
young & wild
Nils Hempel | Photography:
young & beauty
Nils Hempel | Photography:
Little Swan