wandelgraaf(mostly off): The Fox and the Heron
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Juvenile Female common redstart/ gekraagde roodstaart(vrouw uitvlieger)
wandelgraaf(mostly off): The take-offf of the great white heron
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Amazing scenery the Northern Shovelers(Slobeend-Löffelente) are dabbling in a large group moving like a wheel to feed themselves
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Fly like an Egyptian
wandelgraaf(mostly off): A new bird specie: the Heronduck
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Winchat (paapje) Saxicola rubetra
wandelgraaf(mostly off): The northern lapwing on tour (kievit)
wandelgraaf(mostly off): A purple heron is about to land
wandelgraaf(mostly off): The art of Camouflage, Spotted a Sandpiper (oeverloper) is on the red List)
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Why do they not like me?
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Proud mam with her new born babys
wandelgraaf(mostly off): No activitys for me during the reproduction season
wandelgraaf(mostly off): A guest seldom seen in Holland(Ring-necked Duck- Ring snavel eend)
wandelgraaf(mostly off): It is a cold and lonely winter
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Tufted Duck is flying over the ice of the IJmeer
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Time to build a nest
wandelgraaf(mostly off): A genuine miracle(explore#175)
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Kingfisher just before landing
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Proud kingfisher
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Kingfisher having dinner time with unsual Duo
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Great Silver Heron Flying by
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Flevoland on a sunny day
wandelgraaf(mostly off): The Goose has landed
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Noisy Cormorant
wandelgraaf(mostly off): GreyGeese Family with 45 young ones
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Fox on the ice.
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Kingfisher pair looking in different direction
wandelgraaf(mostly off): kingfisher and cormorant
wandelgraaf(mostly off): young fox near Noorderplassen Almere