wandelgraaf(mostly off): The majestic Maersk is entering the Miraflores locks in the Panama Canal(explore#420)
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Rain is building up above Panama city
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Costa Rican welcome
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Border crossing Panama-Costa Rica
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Coffee plant with Beans, what must we do with out it
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Coati (neusbeer) in Dominical Costa Rica
wandelgraaf(mostly off): First view on Boca del Toro, Panama
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Working hard for the money
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Pelican is passing by
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Vulture at a truckstop
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Bussiness is slow today
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Waiting for someone's christmas stable
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Business is slow today(part two)
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Nosy snake (the art of Camouflage)
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Vultures gathering above me/ Gieren verzamelen zich boven mij(Explore#467)
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Emperor's baton(Etlingera elatior)
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Carribean beach
wandelgraaf(mostly off): CMA CGM Matisse in the middle of the Panama Canal
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Banana's ready for the world
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Crocodile or treetrunk
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Wild Jungle flower
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Fruitmarket in costa Rica
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Crab taking a peek(explore #239)
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Inside the Cathedral of Panama city
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Three famous bird species in one shot
wandelgraaf(mostly off): Busy traffic in the Panama Canal