wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Her Majesty is Amused
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
The multi colored tulipfields of Holland (explore#440)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
The happiest moment of the year (Explore #151)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
The Good Sheperd
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
The common shelduck flies away
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Colour is always on top of black and white (explore #439)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
And then the Thaw came and everything went grey (explored#398)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
The catch of the Day (koperwiek, rotrossel redwing)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Loneliness on the Hondsbossche Zeewering (explore# 432)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Mr and misses Black Necked Grebe/Dhr en Mevr Geoorde fuut (Explore #486)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Especially in the Fog, look over your shoulder
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
The willow on the floodplains(uiterwaarden) of the Rhine (explore #485)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Sunset over Northern Holland (Explore#235)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Eye to eye with a fox in the snow(explore#500)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
A genuine Miracle twice(best seen large)(explore#491)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
A genuine miracle(explore#175)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
WS78 Amerongsebergtocht Veenendaal 12-12-2009(explore #308)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
A blood red sky over Amsterdam(explore# 474)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Crab taking a peek(explore #239)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Vultures gathering above me/ Gieren verzamelen zich boven mij(Explore#467)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
1e Veluwse wintertocht WSV- DES Ugchelen 31-10-2009(explore#330)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
The majestic Maersk is entering the Miraflores locks in the Panama Canal(explore#420)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
WS78 Leidens ontzettocht Leiden 03-10-2009(eplore #471)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Beer drinking Gnome( explore #500)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Swans Summer Holliday(explore #421)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
I am so glad you are here(explore #358)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Holland on a sunny day (explore# 179)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Ko Kalf Boerenlandtocht 't Harde 27-06-2009 (my 50th in explore # 291)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Salland wandeltocht Deventer 21-06-2009 (explore# 239)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Wandelvierdaagse het Gooi Laren 10 t/m 13-06 2009 (explore# 375)