wandelgraaf(mostly off):
A welcome Visitor
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Rose in the garden
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Bee Enjoying the Lavender Nectar
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Bee touching down on the Lavender
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Magpie caught in the act
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Visiting Butterfly
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Cherry blossom fully opened
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Happy Easter to all of you
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Bee enjoying the nectar
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Snail in the Garden (explore# 401)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
For Dietmut
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Blossom of a pear in front of a forsythia
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Blackbird building a nest in front of a forsythia
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Pre-cherry blossom (explore# 446)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Forsythia power (explore# 483)
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Viola in the Garden
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Can i sneak in
wandelgraaf(mostly off):
Pigeon on the garden house