they'll be spittin' in your eye:
let's meet under the faces of old lovers
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
conquests: welcome to my faded hall of fame
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
I'm upset but I'll leave the door open
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
when did I become a ghost?
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
she had an attitude
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
I win every time you let me touch you
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
vision: she's livin' her life
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
die: becoming a hero
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
lust: it is torturous
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
heaven has no strings attached to keep it down
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
some shadow got hold of me
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
private dining is done alone
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
I never gave a fuck
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
dreamer: I was once that little girl
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
rock-n-roll Han Solo
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
is time that slow only when your eyes are closed?
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
I stutter through the night
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
dark and warm: between my sheets
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
praying hands eat picnics together
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
I could never love you back
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
stepping out of your story and into mine
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
let's see if you're 100 proof
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
goodness gracious, St Ignatius
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
champagne delight: out all night
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
lips pursed like a fish
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
she came rushing at me and I couldn't stop her
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
I write eulogies
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
it wasn't the things you said
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
I am your ghost, my brother
they'll be spittin' in your eye:
two-faced: lying was always your specialty