skblanks: sterling dresser jars
skblanks: nightstand with sterling dresser jars
skblanks: chippy white cabinet
skblanks: romantic vignette
skblanks: shabby chic shelf
skblanks: romantic vignette
skblanks: lampbase photo holder
skblanks: vintage lampbase used as photo holder
skblanks: vintage crochet
skblanks: vintage bling
skblanks: more vintage bling
skblanks: vintage bling
skblanks: vintage bling
skblanks: rose salt shakers
skblanks: collection of crystal salt shakers
skblanks: crystal and china salt shakers
skblanks: antique rose platters
skblanks: china powder box
skblanks: china gravy boat with mop buckles
skblanks: mother of pearl collection
skblanks: antique sterling teethers
skblanks: antique rose dishes
skblanks: shabby chic bedroom
skblanks: sterling & glass dresser boxes
skblanks: antique sterling dresser boxes
skblanks: IMGP0833
skblanks: collection of crocheted pin holders
skblanks: shelf over door with antique ironstone
skblanks: antique butter pats
skblanks: more rose china and silver