gads6hill: Hoverfly (Marmalade hoverfly?)
gads6hill: Carder Bee?
gads6hill: Brimstone Butterfly - Gonepteryx rhamni
gads6hill: Sympetrum striolatum - Common Darter
gads6hill: "Nature Red in Tooth and Claw"
gads6hill: Common Darter
gads6hill: Bee Fly (Bombilius major)
gads6hill: Hawthorn Sheildbug (Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale)
gads6hill: Lacewing
gads6hill: Damselle Fly
gads6hill: Take Off!!
gads6hill: Harlequin Lady-bird Larva
gads6hill: Aeshna grandisBrown Hawker Dragonfly
gads6hill: Aeshna grandisBrown Hawker Dragonfly
gads6hill: Large Skipper Butterfly
gads6hill: Green-veined White Butterfly
gads6hill: Red Admiral Butterfly
gads6hill: Oedemera nobilis – thick-legged flower beetle (family Oedemeridae)
gads6hill: Banded Damselle Fly
gads6hill: Mayfly
gads6hill: Dargonfly on Madeira
gads6hill: Holly Blue Butterfly
gads6hill: Holly Blue Butterfly
gads6hill: Hairy Shieldbug
gads6hill: Fly close up
gads6hill: Fly and Beetle
gads6hill: Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens)
gads6hill: Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus)
gads6hill: Ground Beetle sp.
gads6hill: Comma (Polygonia c-album)