cyberjunkcowboy_sr: IMG_0503.JPG
cyberjunkcowboy_sr: PaleRiders! #horse #horses #western #westernsaddle #trailride
cyberjunkcowboy_sr: Ending the day with a nice view of Mt.Fuji. #fujisan #mtfuji #fuji360 #mysky #tnk #富士山 #gotemba
cyberjunkcowboy_sr: Mice & Lucy posing. #dog #dogs #instadog #flatcoated #retriever #ruffwear
cyberjunkcowboy_sr: So I did take it away with an App. #fujisan #mtfuji #fuji360 #mysky #tnk #富士山 #gotemba
cyberjunkcowboy_sr: Spring brake with Chip! #horsey #horse #horses #girl
cyberjunkcowboy_sr: Nice Mt.Fuji came out! #fujisan #mtfuji #fuji360 #mysky #tnk #富士山 #gotemba #horse #horses #horsey
cyberjunkcowboy_sr: Had a model come to take photo. #horse #horses #horsey #gotemba
cyberjunkcowboy_sr: Just couldn't believe the Stylist who chose this rubber boots with this Summer dress. Isn't it awkward? #fujisan #mtfuji #fuji360 #mysky #tnk #富士山 #gotemba #horse #horsey #horses #馬