ebarbgum: CMYC Wish you were here montage final image with type
ebarbgum: John and Shadow Cobnor 2006
ebarbgum: Montage of CMYC camping
ebarbgum: Cobnor
ebarbgum: Dinghy park at Cobnor
ebarbgum: Cobnor
ebarbgum: Laurie setting out one very windy day
ebarbgum: Cobnor
ebarbgum: Laurie setting out on her laser
ebarbgum: Dog with buoyancy aid
ebarbgum: Dog with sea legs
ebarbgum: John and Shadow
ebarbgum: Cobnor Summer 2006
ebarbgum: Malcolm, Laurie and John
ebarbgum: Carol
ebarbgum: Carol and Will
ebarbgum: Katie and Paul
ebarbgum: Paul
ebarbgum: Is that Malcolm washing up!!!
ebarbgum: Malcolm washing up.
ebarbgum: Keith