winbag4 Stephen Wingate: HFD Pump Training 7-14-10
winbag4 Stephen Wingate: HFD Engine 1 and Tower 10 on the way to the High School
winbag4 Stephen Wingate: Heath Tower 10 and Medic 8
winbag4 Stephen Wingate: Heath Tower 10 Rescue 6 and Medic 8
winbag4 Stephen Wingate: Heath Rescue 6
winbag4 Stephen Wingate: HFD LT. J. Lohri gets ready
winbag4 Stephen Wingate: HFD FF T.J. Hoffer
winbag4 Stephen Wingate: HFD LT. B. Hoffman
winbag4 Stephen Wingate: HFD Capt. W. McCord explains to the guys what we had to do for the night
winbag4 Stephen Wingate: HFD FF's York and Haggar on a hand line off Rescue 6
winbag4 Stephen Wingate: feel the rainbow