Gillian Walker: Flattop Mountain viewpoint
Gillian Walker: Flattop Mountain viewpoint
Gillian Walker: Flattop Mountain viewpoint
Gillian Walker: Knik River Bridge
Gillian Walker: Knik River Bridge
Gillian Walker: Watching two USGS techs take a streamflow measurement using a remote controlled boat
Gillian Walker: Watching two USGS techs take a streamflow measurement using a remote controlled boat
Gillian Walker: USGS hydrometric workstation - spot the remote contol boat
Gillian Walker: USGS hydrometric workstation
Gillian Walker: Watching two USGS techs take a streamflow measurement using a remote controlled boat
Gillian Walker: remote control boat for streamflow measurements
Gillian Walker: Watching two USGS techs take a streamflow measurement using a remote controlled boat
Gillian Walker: Watching two USGS techs take a streamflow measurement using a remote controlled boat
Gillian Walker: Watching two USGS techs take a streamflow measurement using a remote controlled boat
Gillian Walker: Watching two USGS techs take a streamflow measurement using a remote controlled boat
Gillian Walker: tiny truck!
Gillian Walker: USGS tech taking out the remote control boat
Gillian Walker: streamflow station with tipping bucket rain gauge
Gillian Walker: USGS streamflow station, part of the Arctic HYCOS flow to ocean database
Gillian Walker: USGS streamflow station, part of the Arctic HYCOS flow to ocean database
Gillian Walker: USGS streamflow station, part of the Arctic HYCOS flow to ocean database
Gillian Walker: USGS streamflow station, part of the Arctic HYCOS flow to ocean database
Gillian Walker: Matanuska River
Gillian Walker: Matanuska River
Gillian Walker: Matanuska River
Gillian Walker: Anchorage airfield - privately owned planes, for exploring!
Gillian Walker: Anchorage airfield - privately owned planes
Gillian Walker: Anchorage airfield - privately owned planes
Gillian Walker: Downtown Anchorage
Gillian Walker: Flying home - island with wind turbines