flu2ter: Shoreline reflections at Kitsaway
flu2ter: Sailboat at anchor, Kitsaway, by Hawksbury Island, Douglas Channel
flu2ter: Kistaway in the early morning
flu2ter: More shoreline reflections
flu2ter: Arrow hits the bull's eye
flu2ter: Leaving Kitsaway
flu2ter: Cruiser by Princess Royal Island
flu2ter: Drift log caught on the rocks
flu2ter: Storm clouds!
flu2ter: Low tide on the rocks, Gribbell Island
flu2ter: FISH!
flu2ter: Wow.
flu2ter: Gull on the wing
flu2ter: Flight
flu2ter: Captain Bob at the helm
flu2ter: Final approach
flu2ter: Observer
flu2ter: Silhouette
flu2ter: Study in Gray
flu2ter: Reinette with salmon for the barbecue.
flu2ter: First mate Bill at the helm.
flu2ter: Steep valley on Princess Royal Island
flu2ter: Fraser Reach, The Inside Passage.
flu2ter: What's left of Butedale on Princess Royal Island
flu2ter: Misty Mountains
flu2ter: Mist shrouded trees
flu2ter: Shoreline in Khutze Inlet
flu2ter: Khutze Inlet morning
flu2ter: More studies in gray
flu2ter: Khutze mist