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flu2ter: Robin looking through the galley window.jpg
flu2ter: Whale tail Khutze Inlet.jpg
flu2ter: Morning in Khutze.jpg
flu2ter: Sun burning through morning fog, Khutze Inlet.jpg
flu2ter: Marmot Cove in morning light.jpg
flu2ter: traffic in Fraser Reach.jpg
flu2ter: BC Ferry in Fraser Reach.jpg
flu2ter: Leaving Kitsaway.jpg
flu2ter: porpoises in Fraser Reach.jpg
flu2ter: painted rocks at Pilot Pt, Gribbell Island.jpg
flu2ter: The Norma H in McKay Reach off Gribbell Island.jpg
flu2ter: Bill at the helm.jpg
flu2ter: Mike, Will and Ted with the day's catch..jpg
flu2ter: Heron at Butedale.jpg
flu2ter: Great Blue Heron.jpg
flu2ter: fish stalking heron at Butedale.jpg
flu2ter: Butedale powerhouse.jpg