loppear: Awake to fog in Austria
loppear: Amidst the early morning commuters, lederhosen
loppear: Foggy farms
loppear: Stephanie looks out from our hotel room in Vienna
loppear: View of the downtown pedestrian area from our hotel room
loppear: The Hapsburg palace in the middle of town
loppear: Palace detail
loppear: Fountain by the palace with catfish monster people
loppear: Horse carriages for the tourists everywhere in the old town
loppear: Palace detail
loppear: First stop: the Globe museum
loppear: Many of the globes were celestial globes, or pairs of earth/sky globes
loppear: Some constellations
loppear: Armillary spheres
loppear: Looking at globes and models of the solar system
loppear: Telluriums at the Globe museum
loppear: Wood inlay floor tiles at the Globe Museum
loppear: Lunar globe with feature index on the back half
loppear: Modern relief lunar globe
loppear: Amongst the globes
loppear: A travel globe, with foldout identification booklet for the peoples of the world
loppear: Meterological globes from Berlin, 1907
loppear: Meterological globes: one for January, one for July
loppear: Dinner outside in Vienna: Pumpkin soup with ginger-basil oil, and beet soup with bacon dumpling
loppear: Stephanie had pork loin stuffed with spinach on cheese spatzle
loppear: Luke had Tafelspitz, which came with amazing horseradish applesauce
loppear: Paul Flora, great illustrator
loppear: At the Schönbrunn Palace, the summer home for the Hapsburgs
loppear: Wooden tiles at Schönbrunn Palace
loppear: The backyard at Schönbrunn palace