loppear: First train, the airport shuttle at 9am
loppear: Near our hotel, a large early lunch: ham and cheese and a salad with baked goat cheese croutons
loppear: Window Figs
loppear: Main staircase of the Opera Palace
loppear: In the opera house
loppear: Above the entry hall
loppear: Gold everywhere
loppear: Ornate ballroom at the opera palace
loppear: Amidst all the shinery, a chagall ceiling mural
loppear: They let the bees stay in the attic in exchange for Opera Honey
loppear: Nearby, a famous ballet shoe store. We went in somewhat reverently, but just to look.
loppear: Hedges for window boxes
loppear: Open to interpretation
loppear: There are two beautiful oval rooms with circular paintings of water lilies
loppear: One of them cycles through the hours of the day
loppear: and the other through the seasons
loppear: The rooms are lit perfectly by daylight through diffuse skylights
loppear: detail
loppear: water lilies
loppear: The sensation that these willow branches are in a breeze
loppear: Another Derain
loppear: Our hotel window in Paris
loppear: A morning walk takes us through a tree-lined cemetery
loppear: Where Ricardo le chat warranted the best headstone of the family
loppear: George was the Boss, and hopefully a Tom Jones lover
loppear: A tower amidst the packed tombs
loppear: I liked the light on these windows
loppear: Day two in Paris: sleep has been most helpful.
loppear: First stop: the Max Poilane bakery
loppear: A marionette theatre in the next door park