twcrowe50: "What are these things for......?"
twcrowe50: Resistance is Futile.....
twcrowe50: UMBC Gosling 2016
twcrowe50: UMBC Gosling 2016
twcrowe50: UMBC Gosling 2016
twcrowe50: Hooded Mergansers
twcrowe50: Hooded Merganser
twcrowe50: Blue in the Blossoms
twcrowe50: Falling Back to the Earth
twcrowe50: If he only knew.....
twcrowe50: Blossom Tree
twcrowe50: Gosling 2015
twcrowe50: Playtime
twcrowe50: Remember to take time to smell the flowers...
twcrowe50: Tentative Crossing
twcrowe50: Feathers in the Wind
twcrowe50: Moon Set
twcrowe50: Red-shouldered Hawk
twcrowe50: Red-shouldered Hawk
twcrowe50: UMBC Wood Duck
twcrowe50: Visitor
twcrowe50: Cabbage White
twcrowe50: Sadness
twcrowe50: Breaking the Rules
twcrowe50: The New Generation
twcrowe50: Skipper at Pigpen Pond
twcrowe50: Eastern Amberwing
twcrowe50: Hackberry Emperor
twcrowe50: Painted Skimmer at UMBC
twcrowe50: Morning Tête-à-Tête