twcrowe50: Russet-naped Wood Rail
twcrowe50: Ocellated Turkey
twcrowe50: Brown Basilisk
twcrowe50: Common Grackle
twcrowe50: Snow Bunting
twcrowe50: Snow Bunting
twcrowe50: Wedge-tailed Sabrewing
twcrowe50: Wedge-tailed Sabrewing
twcrowe50: Couch's Kingbird
twcrowe50: North American River Otter
twcrowe50: North American River Otter
twcrowe50: Winter Wren
twcrowe50: Before the Sunrise - Fields at Conquest Preserve
twcrowe50: Steller's Jay
twcrowe50: Savannah Sparrow
twcrowe50: Savahhah Sparrow
twcrowe50: Nashville Warbler
twcrowe50: Palm Warbler (Yellow)
twcrowe50: Lincoln's Sparrow
twcrowe50: Golden Canaan
twcrowe50: Nelson's Sparrow
twcrowe50: Black-capped Chickadee
twcrowe50: Along the Blackwater River
twcrowe50: Warblers in Fall Clothing....Chestnut-sided Warbler
twcrowe50: Warblers in Fall Clothing....Magnolia Warbler
twcrowe50: Northern Harrier
twcrowe50: Warblers in Fall Clothing....Bay-breasted Warbler
twcrowe50: Orange Sulphur
twcrowe50: August Blue
twcrowe50: Yellow-billed Cuckoo