needlerknits: What's left from the Whisper Scarves for Mom and Maw
needlerknits: Ultra Alpaca in Dragon Green 016
needlerknits: 4-cord Baroque top, new 2-cord bottom
needlerknits: Old smooth Baroque on top, cheap new Baroque on bottom
needlerknits: Cheap new Baroque on top, old smooth Baroque on bottom
needlerknits: Almond Pink Knit Cro-Sheen #10, says 150 yards, weighs 28 grams, one dollar 79 at Roses
needlerknits: Aqua Euroflax wet spun linen, 14 slash 2, says 2600 ypp, says 100 grams, partial cone weighs 101 grams
needlerknits: Bright Blue DMC #80, says 5 grams, partial spool weighs 5 grams
needlerknits: Cream JP Coates Royale #10, label says 350 yards, weighs 59 grams, softer than South Maid
needlerknits: Cream mystery cotton thread #10, seems more like South Maid than Royale, but color's off, weighs 57 grams
needlerknits: Cream South Maid #10, label says 350 yards, weighs 57 grams
needlerknits: Ecru DMC Cordonnet #40, says 20 grams, weighs 22 grams
needlerknits: Ecru mystery cotton thread #10, close to Royale, weighs 50 grams
needlerknits: Ecru Speed Cro-Sheen #3, 300 yards
needlerknits: Natural Aunt Lydia's Fast Five #5, says 150 yards, weighs 38 grams, very soft
needlerknits: Pale Blue DMC #80, weighs 6 grams
needlerknits: Pale Lavender Jaggerspun Zephyr, weighs 86 grams, calculated to 945 yards
needlerknits: Pale rose DMC Perle #12, weighs 13 grams
needlerknits: Pale sage green DMC Perle #12, says 10 grams, weighs 12 grams
needlerknits: Red mystery thread #10, weighs 54 grams
needlerknits: Sage Green mystery thread like Fast Five, soft 6 ply, weighs 49 grams
needlerknits: White Cebelia #20, 830 yards total
needlerknits: White DMC #30, probably cordonnet, weighs 16 grams on spool
needlerknits: White DMC Cebelia #30, says 50 grams, weighs 53 grams
needlerknits: White DMC Cordonnet #40, weighs 23 grams
needlerknits: Yellow Cebelia #10, 53 and 51 grams
needlerknits: cream color bombyx silk laceweight
needlerknits: Sea Green merino laceweight
needlerknits: coned rayon