Secretsugar: Willow wigwam
Secretsugar: Willow and wigwam
Secretsugar: Vegetable garden to be
Secretsugar: Lettuce, broccoli, strawberries...
Secretsugar: Lots o' lettuce
Secretsugar: Front shady garden, Thornwood 9/05
Secretsugar: At the front door, Thornwood 9/05
Secretsugar: Back of the perennial bed, Thornwood 9/05
Secretsugar: Late afternoon, Thornwood garden
Secretsugar: Front garden, Thornwood 9/05
Secretsugar: Moving right...
Secretsugar: More perennials in the sun
Secretsugar: Coleus and perennials
Secretsugar: Front corner
Secretsugar: Drunk slug party
Secretsugar: The slug gang's all here!
Secretsugar: Funky plant from Mom
Secretsugar: Mystery flower at Thornwood
Secretsugar: Mystery flower, view 2
Secretsugar: Sundrops
Secretsugar: Baptisia x. 'Carolina Moonlight'
Secretsugar: Baptisia x., 'Carolina Moonlight,' view 2
Secretsugar: Stone wall perennial bed, April 2008
Secretsugar: Bog bed, April 2008
Secretsugar: Spiderwort by walk gate
Secretsugar: Mary of the lilies
Secretsugar: Lilies about to bloom
Secretsugar: Drought tolerant bed
Secretsugar: Allium with irises
Secretsugar: More spurge and yucca