ohrfeus: athlete's foot
ohrfeus: doctor? doctor! doctoaaaaaaaaaah...!
ohrfeus: charge for more shots
ohrfeus: cadeau
ohrfeus: didn't the romans build the most durable open-air venues?
ohrfeus: on the sunny side
ohrfeus: just resting my eyes
ohrfeus: warts, warts, warts
ohrfeus: XXL
ohrfeus: Stop this, guys! What's happened to the party?
ohrfeus: chestnutsky jr.
ohrfeus: blau
ohrfeus: milky bear
ohrfeus: have I got a big nose, mum?
ohrfeus: the machine that goes ping, ping pingping, ping.....,
ohrfeus: an egyptian pyramid next to a maize field?
ohrfeus: St. Sebastian
ohrfeus: selfportrait in hamsters and elderberries
ohrfeus: no photos please
ohrfeus: chocolate mints
ohrfeus: My Monthly Scavenger Hunt Oktober 2009