Boar's Head: Helsinki Cathedral in Kruununhaka, Helsinki_2
Boar's Head: Uspenski Cathedral in Katajanokka, Helsinki
Boar's Head: The Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria in Lammi_3
Boar's Head: The Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria in Lammi_2
Boar's Head: The Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria in Lammi_1
Boar's Head: The statue of killed soldiers in Lammi
Boar's Head: Ruokolahti Church_2
Boar's Head: Ruokolahti Church_1
Boar's Head: The Church of St. Bridgid of Sweden in Tuulos_2
Boar's Head: The Church of St. Bridgid of Sweden in Tuulos_1
Boar's Head: The Church of St. James the Greater in Rymättylä_2
Boar's Head: The Church of St. James the Greater in Rymättylä_1
Boar's Head: The Memorial statue of "Hakkapeliitat"
Boar's Head: Twin coat of arms of von Post & von Troil families
Boar's Head: The coat of arms of the House of Kuhlman
Boar's Head: Twin coat of arms of Creutz & Duwall families
Boar's Head: St. Michael the Archangel Church's pulpit
Boar's Head: The altar in St. Michael the Archangel Church_2
Boar's Head: The altar in St. Michael the Archangel Church_1
Boar's Head: St. Michael the Archangel Church in Tammela_4
Boar's Head: St. Michael the Archangel Church in Tammela_3
Boar's Head: St. Michael the Archangel Church in Tammela_2
Boar's Head: St. Michael the Archangel Church in Tammela_1
Boar's Head: An unknown sculpture
Boar's Head: Saint Martin of Tours
Boar's Head: The organs in the Church of St. James the Greater in Renko
Boar's Head: The pulpit in the Church of St. James the Greater in Renko
Boar's Head: The altarpainting in the Church of St. James the Greater in Renko
Boar's Head: Overview to the altar in the Church of St. James the Greater in Renko
Boar's Head: The Church of St. James the Greater in Renko_4